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Simple  - Complex – Compound

গঠনঅনুসারে Sentence তিনপ্রকারযথাঃ

1.       Simple sentence ( সরলবাক্য )

2.       Complex sentence ( জটিলবাক্য )

3.       Compound sentence ( যৌগিক বাক্য )

1.Simple sentence : যে sentence এএকটি Subject ওএকটি Verb থাকেতাকে Simple sentence বলে


v I am a student.

v He worked hard to prosper in life.


2.Complex Sentence :যে sentence এদুইটি Subject ওদুইটি Verb থাকেতাকে Complex sentence বলে

Clause হলোযেখানে১টি verb থাকেএখানে subordinate clause টি সাধারণত ( though, although, till, until, before, which, what, who, whom,after, unless, since, if, as, because, that) ইত্যাদিদ্বারাশুরুহয়


v He worked hard so thathe prosper in life.

v I saw a man who was wise.

3.Compound sentence :যে sentence এদুইটি Subject ওদুইটি Verb থাকেতাকে Compound sentence বলেএখানেদুইটি Clause coordinating conjuction ( For, And, But, Or, so, yet ) দ্বারাযুক্তথাকে

Example :

1.  He is poorbuthe is honest.

 2. He is very week andcan not walk.

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Simple Sentence

Complex Sentence

Compound Sentence


১টি Subject ও১টি verb

২টি Subject ও২টি verb

২টি Subject ও২টি verb



E: He worked hard

to prosper in life.

To এরআগেরঅংশ + so that+ can/could+ to এরপরেরঅংশ

E: He worked hard so thathe could prosper in life.

And দ্বারা২টি  clause যুক্তহবে

E: He worked hard and he could prosper in life.




E: He is too week to walk.



E: He is so week that he can notwalk.


E: He is very week and can not walk.


By+verb+ing…… ,

E: By eating a balance diet ,we can live well.


E:If we eat a balance diet, we can live well.

If +sub উঠে যায় কমার পরিবর্তে and বসে।

E: Eat a balance dietand can live well.



E:Going home,Ibegan to work.

As/when/since+sub+ingউঠে২য় clause এর tense অনুযায়ীverb হবে+ obj+২য় clause.

E:When I went home, I began to work.


And দ্বারাযুক্তহবে

E: I went home and I began to work.


Without +verb+ing….

E: Without working hard, you can not make it.

Unless/if +sub+ do not/ does not+ বাকিঅংশ.

E:Unlessyou work hard ,you can not make it.

Or, If you do not work hard, you can not make it.

Unless/if থেকে not যন্ত উঠে যায় +obj +or + ২য় clause.

E: Work hard or you can not make it.


Because of + sub এর possessive form +being/having +বাকিঅংশকমা+২য় clause.

E: Because ofhis being lazy, he could not prosper.

As/ since+sub+beingএরজায়গায় be verb/ having এরজায়গায়have ,has,had + বাকিঅংশ + ২য় clause.

E: As he was lazy, he could not prosper.

Sub+ verb+obj+and+


E: He was lazy and could not prosper.



In, during, at the time of


E: In/Duringsummer, it become emaciated.

When+ sub+ verb+ obj +2nd clause.

E: When it is summer, it become emaciated.

Sub +verb +obj+ and +…….


E: It is summer and becomes emaciated.


In spite of/ despite +sub এর possessive form +being/ adjএর noun form +বাকিঅংশ .

E: In spite of/ Despitehis being poor, he is honest.

Though/ although+ sub+

verb++adj/noun+ কমা + 2nd clause.

E: Though he is poor , he is honest.

Though/although উঠেকমারপরিবর্তে but + obj.

E: He is poor but honest.


Sub +present participle….

E: Student desireing to go abroad are to complete IELTS.


Sub+ Who /which /that+ auxiliary verb+ present participle যুক্ত verb + বাকিঅংশ.

E: Student who are desiring to go abroad are complete IELTS.



Sub+verb+(what উঠেযায় +possessive + noun.

E: I khow his name.


E: I khow what his name .


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(1)  Complex sentence have /has/had থাকলে – In spite of / Despite+ sub এর possessive form + have/has/had এরপরিবর্তে having +বাকিঅংশ .

E: Though he had a Mobile,he could not operate it.

ð In spite of his having mobile, he could not operate it.


(2)  Complex sentence এমুল verb থাকলে- in spite of + sub এর possessive form +verb+ ing + বাকিঅংশ.

E: Though he went there, he did not find the mobile.

ð In spite of his going there, he did not find the mobile.

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